NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesVyliria, a closer look.19th April 2017 0Let's take a look at Vyliria Ellion and go through her skills.
NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesEarthshaker, a closer look.18th April 2017 0Let's take a look at Calamis Earthshaker and go through its skills.
NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesReward tiers and addons31st March 2017 0An explanation of each addon available during The City of Kings Kickstarter.
NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesNow on Kickstarter!28th March 2017 0The City of Kings is now on Kickstarter!
NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesThe story so far18th March 2017 0Today we are releasing the first part of our story: The Cloud Keep War.
NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesLaunch date announced!22nd February 2017 0The City of Kings will launch on Kickstarter on March 28th!
NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesScenarios – Play in 60 minutes!13th February 2017 0Today I am pleased to announce we are adding scenarios to The City of Kings.
ArtNewsThe City of KingsUpdatesThe box!8th February 2017 0Today we are pleased to be releasing our box artwork!
NewsThe City of KingsUpdatesVideosThe City of Kings in 2.5 minutes24th January 2017 0Everything you need to know about The City of Kings in 2.5 minutes
NewsUpdatesWhat we are up to!5th January 2017 0Happy New Year everyone! Here's a quick update on what's going on right now.