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The City of Games

Publishing lessons

Board games & crowdfunding


29th September 2022 3

In recent times crowdfunding has become too risky for some people to use as a few projects have started requesting more money prior to fulfilment. For my next project, I make this promise.


22nd September 2022 4

Sometimes things become so normalised that we forget to measure the impact they have and don't realise they are hindering us from the shadows. I've been thinking about this a lot lately and as I try to reduce my shipping fees, I thought it was time to go back to the basics!


15th September 2022 2

Today I ask a simple question, should all the funds required from a backer be paid during the Kickstarter (how it used to be) or should extra fees be paid in a second payment afterwards (how it is now).


13th September 2022 2

A few months ago, the husband-and-wife team behind Meeple Design reached out to me asking if the licensing rights to my games were available as they wanted to create some themed merchandise. It seemed like an interesting opportunity to explore…


8th September 2022 3

There are many platforms available for live streaming and each of them has pros and cons. For me, Facebook continues to be my platform of choice for special streams.


6th September 2022 0

The immediate value of attending a convention as a publisher is seen as being an exhibitor, having your own booth, and showing off your games. There is a lot to be gained from this but there are many other ways to gain value without having a booth.


1st September 2022 2

The most frequently asked question I get is: Do you feel nervous before your campaigns, like, really nervous, to a point where it becomes hard to do anything? The answer is yes, and it is a good thing!


30th August 2022 4

If you make something, someone is going to hate it, it’s a painful fact that as a creator we must learn to deal with. Today I’d like to share a few things that I tell people who are struggling to cope.