It has now been 3 years since the first copies of The Isle of Cats reached people’s hands and I wanted to share a few statistics I’ve been looking at over the last couple of days.
It has now been 3 years since the first copies of The Isle of Cats reached people’s hands and I wanted to share a few statistics I’ve been looking at over the last couple of days.
It has been 10 weeks since I launched my US dollar store and I am so very glad I did, the results have been fantastic and I’m already seeing a noticeable increase in customers as a result.
Websites have a tendency to get outdated so over the next month I’ll be updating this website and making some fairly large changes. Today I’d like to look at some of the reasons for the upcoming changes and why I believe it’s important to give your website a refresh every so often.
This morning I sent the final 2 files for Race to the Raft to my factory for printing, the campaign booklets. Between the 2 books there are 109 scenarios available to play and designing them has offered unique challenges.
Happy New Year!I hope you had a fantastic December and that your 2023 has started well. I like to start the year by sending out a survey so I can better understand the people playing my games and hope you can spare just a few minutes to fill it in.
Making a board game is expensive and once you have selected a manufacturer it is important you have agreed an approach to sampling. Receiving samples gives you the opportunity to make sure your game is being made correctly, nothing has been missed, and that the final product matches your expectations.
A professionally photographed board game can make a huge difference to how people view your game. Over the years I’ve discovered some fantastic photographers and here are a few I would recommend working with.
I have now written 100 publishing lessons which are all freely available on my website. The lessons include a variety of topics such as manufacturing, shipping, VAT, translating, crowdfunding, pricing your game, and many more, and I look forward to writing another 100 lessons in 2023!
Let’s take a look at some successful first-time creators and see what we can learn from their campaigns. I’ve picked 15 projects from recent times which were launched by first-time creators and raised less than $100,000 to review.
2022 has been an amazing year and I would like to highlight some of my key moments and share them with you, just like I did in 2021.