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The City of Games

Project Leaf and 2024 with The City of Games

23rd February 2024 2

It descended mysteriously from the sky, forever altering our world…

It will not be long until the leaves start to grow and nature springs back into life here in the UK and while I am look forward to waking up to a green and colourful garden, my plans for 2024 are also just about to bloom.

Project Leaf (the current code name for my upcoming game) has been in development for many years and will introduce a new part of The City of Kings universe. Like The City of Kings, Vadoran Gardens, and The Isle of Cats before it, we’ll discover a new part of the world rich in life.

I look forward to sharing more about Project Leaf with you soon.

Playtesting at Airecon

I am excited to announce, that for the first time ever I am inviting people from outside of my playtest groups to come and playtest one of my games prior to its announcement.

If you are attending Airecon in Harrogate (UK) next month and would like to try Project Leaf then please fill in the form found here (you will require a ticket for Airecon to take part).

All playtests will take place behind closed doors in a secret room inside the venue, and all playtesters will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. This will be a great opportunity to not only try the game, but to also provide feedback which will impact its development.

Game updates

There were a lot of updates and announcements last year and I’d like to do a quick recap to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

I would also like confirm that reprints of both The Isle of Cats and the Big ‘2-minute’ Box for The Isle of Cats are on boats and should arrive with us in the next 6-8 weeks.

An update on Frank

The past few months have been a little unusual as I moved both home and office in December and much of my time has been focussed on packing, moving, and unpacking. Things are finally starting to feel a little normal again as I settle in to my new home and I’m glad to be able to get back to working on games full time!

Until next time

I am looking forward to meeting some of you at Airecon in a few weeks and will be working as much as possible on Project Leaf so I can start sharing more about the game with you soon.

I can’t wait!

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Frank West

Frank West is a gamer and designer based in Bristol, UK. He published his first board game, The City of Kings, in 2018 and now works on other games and organising events in the local area. His goal? To design and publish games focusing on immersive themes, fun mechanics and beautiful components. If you have any questions or would just like a chat, feel free to get in touch at any time!


  • Terri Bensinger

    6th July 2024 at 1:17 pm

    My family only just now found out about Isle of Cats and I wish so hard I could have been part of the kickstarter because we absolutely adore it! I’m definitely following you so I can see what new games you come up with next =)


    • Frank West

      22nd July 2024 at 12:51 pm

      I am glad to hear you have managed to find the game and have been enjoying it! It is good to have you here.


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