
How to play

Vadoran Gardens Refreshed

Vadoran Gardens is played over 10 rounds, in each round you will pick up the card you selected on your previous turn (or during setup if it’s the first round), and then place 1 card in front of you.


The first card you play will be placed on the table, every following card you play must overlap the last column of the previously played card. The card does not have to overlap all 3 squares in the last column, but it does have to overlap at least 1, giving you 5 options each turn.


As you explore the gardens, you will want to connect areas of grass, soil and water to score points and avoid the sand. You will need to connect animals, flowers and statues in specific ways to complete achievements while trying to return lost animals, pendants and tools to their homes.


Once you have played a card, you will then need to place your Player Token on the card you want for the next round, this decides both the card you get and turn order for the next round. You will always know what cards you have available for this round and the next, so forward planning is essential.


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